Stain-Free Summer Days


No need to let a little squirt of ketchup spoil your fun, Clean Laundry to the rescue with a stain-free cheat-sheet!

Ketchup, BBQ Sauce, Mustard, Ice Cream, Soda and Blood stains

As soon as possible, rinse in cold water,  then soak in 1 part liquid laundry detergent 8 parts cool water for 10 to 15 minutes.  Apply liquid detergent to the stain, then wash a usual.  If the stain is still visible, soak in white vinegar for 15 minutes, re-wash.

Grass & dirt stains

Pre-treat stains with a pre-wash stain removal treatment, or saturate with liquid laundry detergent and let stand for 15-30 minutes.  With a small brush, lightly scrub stain to work liquid into the area.  Launder as usual.

For most of these stains, cold or cool water works best.  Never use hot water, this will set the stain into the fabric.

Grease from the Grill

Dishwashing liquid was made to fight grease!  Rub some into the stain and let stand for 15 to 30 minutes.   To help combat the stain rinse with hot water to remove the stain entirely.  Then run through your normal wash cycle.

If the stain persists, never place garment into a heated clothes dryer, this will set the stain.   Repeat with this first step once again until the stain is removed.

It’s About Time,

Clean Laundry!

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