I Scream…You Scream…We all Scream for Ice Cream!

Who doesn’t love a little ice cream!? In our experience, it’s often the person doing the laundry. Ice cream isn’t the worst stain around, but it often isn’t all sundaes with cherries on top.

The best thing you can do is to treat any stain as soon as possible because it’s generally easiest when the stain hasn’t set in yet… and ice cream is no exception.

Follow These Easy Steps for Fresh Stains:

  1. Put the stained fabric into cold water for 5-10 minutes or longer if the stain is dried. (Avoid hot water, which will set this type of stain).
  2. If you can still see any remains of the stain, rub detergent into the stained area and soak in room temperature water for 30 minutes. (Rub occasionally for best results).
  3. After rinsing the clothing, add a stain remover stick, gel, or spray to the stained area. Allow it to sit for 10 minutes.
  4. Repeat the soaking and stain remover steps until no ice cream is left in the clothing. You want to be sure because once the fabric is dried it will be nearly impossible to remove the stain. (Wash the clothing according to the fabric directions).

For Dried Stains:

1. Remove as much of the stain as possible using a spoon or dull knife.

2. Rub liquid laundry detergent into the stained area, and allow the stain to soak in cold water for at least 30 minutes.

3. In order to allow the liquid detergent to fully penetrate the stain, gently rub the stained area between your fingers every 3-5 minutes.

4. Now, repeat the steps listed above for fresh stains.

Do not dry the ice cream stained clothing until you are sure the stain is all gone.

We only want happy screams for ice cream!

Visit About.com for additional details and a step-by-step video on the process of removing complicated ice cream stains.

What’s your favorite ice cream?

It’s about time,

Clean Laundry

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